The Qur'anic exegesis necessarily involves two very significant issues: the wide diversity of opinion among the commentators and the question whether the ayat related to nature can be justifiably explicated in the light of modern science. In fact, these issues have for long been a subject of great discussion and debate. The first group of Muslim scholars do not subscribe to the opinion that ayat related to nature (in the Qur'an) can be justifiably explained scientifically. On the other hand, the second group subscribes to the opinions that modern science may justifiably be used for the Qur'anic interpretation. Objective of the present article was mainly to discuss the opinions and arguments of the two divergent or contradictory groups at length and also to attempt to find out measures to settle the issues raised by them. Also, the present article provided some examples illustrating that Qur'anic interpretation is not the monopoly of a scholar or of a particular generation. The more the knowledge grows and the culture, skill, and technology develop the more the grandeur of the meaning and the reason behind the miracle latent in the ayah of the Qur'an is revealed. The current article discussed some of the important points, which the theologians and scientists should bear in mind. In conclusion, the experts of natural sciences and also that of Shari'ah sciences should sit together to benefit each other. The experts of Shari'ah sciences should give lessons to the natural scientists about servitude and devotions so that their prayers, worship, fasting and practice of giving out zakah is liked by Allah and accepted by him. And natural scientists should place before the experts of Shari'ah sciences various complications and problems of life. It is not necessary that the experts of Shari'ah sciences should have full knowledge of the sciences of chemistry, physics, medicine and astronomy. If anyone is interested in undertaking in-depth study he should take help from the expert of the specific field. The commentary should never deviate from the objective of its revelation.